ifPonto Tab

by iFractal® SIIN®



ifPonto® Tab allows the recording of time through a tablet, without the need for physical contact with the device, just approaching the equipment, depending on the model.The registration mode can be printed with a QR Code, for example, on the employees badge, so that they activate the tablets camera to take the photo with facial recognition or, just by approaching the equipment.The proof of registration of the point by this means is sent directly to the employees e-mail.To use this application, the user must be previously registered by their Human Resources department, and the company they work for needs the authorization of the respective unions, according to Ordinance 373/2011 of the MTE.General features:• Marking the time using QR Code, facial biometrics and gesture;• Control of point marking mobility with geolocation and geodelimitation;• Automatic sending of proof of time stamping by e-mail.• Unlocking and activating the point marking with a single touch on the screen, hand gesture, smile or blinking 2 twice;Learn about ifPonto® Tab by visiting: https://ifractal.com.br/software-controle-de-ponto/meios-de-coleta-da-jornada-de-trabalho/controle-de-ponto-online-tablet/